Keep Pace with ICE Tech 

Keep up the pace with ICE Tech in our continuous delivery to clients. Our business solutions affect change, transform organizations and improve the life of the everyday citizen. 

Emerging Technologies Segment 1

For the first segment in this series, I will touch on the social tipping point I believe we are currently on. I won’t address any specific advances I think will impact us in the future yet. I will save these for the segments to come and rather touch on the social impact or “Social Physics,”…Read more   →

Quantum Entanglement

In this week’s piece on potentially transformative technology, I have selected a further extension of the quantum computing topic. The concept I will touch on was well described by Albert Einstein as “Spooky Action at a Distance”. This quantum property is called “Quantum Entanglement”. It is a bizarre property of quantum particles where they become…Read more   →

Unlocking Competitive Edge with AI-Driven Customer Experiences: Amplifying Copywriters’ Creativity and Productivity with AI Writers

AI writers have transformed how we write content, helping copywriters move past creative roadblocks and generate ideas faster. By using AI writers, businesses can make their content creation smoother and boost the power of their marketing. But it’s not just copywriters who benefit. AI writers also help create customer experiences driven by AI, giving companies…Read more   →